All of our Computerized Maintenance Management Software packages are full-featured Work Order and Preventive Maintenance systems integrating Asset Management, Inventory, Purchasing and PDA Technology and much, much more. Why not get started right away?
Call us at 1-800-922-4336 or go right to our Downloads Page and select your solution!
The MAPCON Lite PM and work order system includes dispatching , human resources, equipment management, equipment meters & gauges, memo inventory, inventory issues, location management, manufacturers, PM procedures, PM scheduling, PM work order generation, requisitions, reporting, safety procedures, service contracts, vendors, work requests and work orders. It is a full-featured asset management software system starting at only $495.
MAPCON Lite includes electronic work request (e-mail) capabilities. Additional low-cost integrated modules can provide extra security and advanced tracking for costs, timecards, purchasing, inventory, and service / tenant billing. Custom report writing allows you to create your own reports! Add the optional handheld PDA Module to speed up the work order process and create a truly paperless system.
Work Order Management is the heart of Mapcon Lite. All of the other systems (Human Resources, Purchasing, Inventory Control, Costing Security, PDAs, Reporting, etc.) exist only to provide support to the Facility Management System. The primary function of a CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Software System), such as Mapcon Lite, is to put - the right people - at the right place - at the right time - with the right materials - with the right tools - with the right instructions. Work Orders can be written against a piece of Equipment, a Location or a Charge Code and can be used to manage repair or preventive maintenance. Work Orders are categorized by type. Standard types include Repair, Calendar, Gauge, Interval and Meter. The User can add additional types.
Work Requests are designed to get the work process started as quickly as possible. They are so easy to use that all maintenance personnel, even those who do not use Mapcon Lite on a regular basis, will be able to create a Work Request. Work Requests can also be forwarded to Mapcon Lite via Email. At a later time, the system manager can transfer an Email Request to a Work Request or Work Order in the CMMS. They can also transfer a Work Request to a Work Order. Work Orders are required if you wish to indicate required Inventory or purchased non-stock parts. They are 14 also required if you wish to track costs. Work Requests and Work Orders can then be printed and dispatched as desired.
The greatest benefit of planned and scheduled preventive maintenance is a reduction in downtime and maintenance costs obtained by using the Asset Management Software. Other benefits are an increase in the quality of produced goods and a less frantic working environment for maintenance personnel which will help justify the use of maintenance software. The goal is 100 percent scheduled preventive maintenance and 0 percent unscheduled repairs. Obviously, real world problems prevent the attainment of this goal. The Preventive Maintenance System, of this Maintenance Software, will move you towards that goal and will help you achieve the benefits previously described.
Call us at 1-800-922-4336 or go right to our Downloads Page and select your solution!